Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Idea Post (10-28-09): Natural forms

Note for Paul: This is a working 'idea' blog. I changed the date to the due date but I have been building on it since October 25th.

This is a list I've been adding to since Sunday 10/25 (I changed the date in
post options). I am going to list things (in & about nature), that I like and keep updating it until Wednesday:

1) repetitive patterns
2) earth tones with interruptions of color (like orange, yellow)
3) organic photographic chemistry (oil of wintergreen, the sun, dyes)
4) haunting (literally) imagery, not horror movie-esque but ghostly
5) people in photographs but normal people
6) people being encompassed by nature or becoming/interacting with it.

In many ways, I am leaning towards continuing my Origin pt. 2 series. I got good feedback on it, I know what my concept is, I was really only thrilled with 2 of the images and it speaks pretty well about who I am and I know I can speak about it, but I need to explore it more, I think. The problems that arise are a lot of locations where I'd want to shoot these would either need a) a gang of body guards b) special permission from the city. I am really upset that my tree project won't work out...I really had no idea that someone else would be incorporating natural, organic materials into their art. It hasn't been 'my thing' because tons of other artists use it but when I'm not using it, I just feel like I'm merging with the crowd. And I REFUSE to get my images printed somewhere.

I think I have figured out how to solve the leaf problem. Though it would be cool, I'll have to abandon it. I thought about maybe using tree bark but then I am being an idiot with my "message" because in order to collect the bark, I am helping in destroying the tree. So, I want to combine this with my previous project, the people with nature and they are almost morphing from it acting as the tree's spirit leaving (again, I know I sound like a hippie). To prevent arrest, my models being listed as sex offenders and to protect my models general privacy, I bought 6 ft tall wooden slats which I am going to modify to create giant screens so my model can be nude behind them and we can surround the tree (since one of them is on Monument Blvd we need to protect them!). They are all right off of sidewalks so I do not need to get permission. To my knowledge if we can walk there, we can take pictures there (I may check with some sort of authority to make sure). Additionally, some of the trees which I had planned on photographing have already been removed! (Crap!). Therefore, I am going to just get a list from the people who do it and if they do not provide it I will submit a FOIA request to get it (THANKS JOURNALISM LAW CLASSES!). Until then, to meet my weekly requirements, I will be scouting out the locations of the trees and perhaps collecting dirt samples "their ashes?"

WA-BAM! Figured it out.

So, the other night (10/27) with my ideas in mind, I went out and shot (not last night the rain was entirely too much). And a funny thing happened. First of all, I look kind of sketchy wearing a hoodie with a flashlight and a camera standing out front of (oddly enough) rich people in the fan's houses. So here I am, photographing where a tree ONCE stood and the owners of the house who I was in front of came out to walk their dog. I explained to them what I was doing before they assumed I was trying to rob them/break into their car. Then the guy and I got to talking. He told me that the tree had been removed about a month ago and that they were supposed to plant another one. I asked him if that was the case, that all the trees were being replaced and he said that only if you PAID for one. He was annoyed about how they hadn't planted a new one yet and asked if I was commenting on how they are not enough trees and I told him yes in so many words. He said "Good, then keep shooting" and continued on his way. The rain started to pick up so I only visited 4 locations. I was thinking about my photos and I was trying to figure out WHY I am going to try to use people and I think its only because I know the images will look nice. So I abandoned that way of thinking and thought a little differently. I think this is how I want to present my imagery.
My next artist blog will probably be about Mark Dion. Ever since I came to hear him speak, I've been in love with his work (I was unfamiliar with it prior to his visit). I admire his archeologist aspect to his work. If I am going to talk about history, I should probably present some of it.


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