Thursday, October 29, 2009

Image Progress

This was a Sycamore tree that stood on W. Cary St in Richmond, Virginia and was taken down this month (click on photo to see full size). Reason: It was "dead."

This was an Elm tree that stood on Floyd Ave in Richmond, Virginia that was taken down this month (click on image to see full size). Reason: It was "dead."

Oddly enough, I am more drawn to the images where the trees have already been taken down. I will post an example of an image with the entire tree still in tact to get feedback.

1 comment:

  1. Sara, I love the idea of this for a project... if you took a picture of the tree as it was standing and then had the "Grave stone" when its chopped down side by side and "cause of death" somehow incorporated underneath or something, I think in a gallery type atmosphere this would be very impactful! Love it!
