The message that I took from the images were those that would apply to my work though his intention wasn't necessarily similar at all. He says, that his work became about "difficulty of being an artist at that time. The formal vocabulary had become exhausted." The formal vocabulary he was referring to applied to painting, which his friend, teacher and fellow artist David Hurn said that Arnatt's work was emerging from. Hurn said that, Arnatt was "always referring something back to paint and he would pick the kind of light to allow reference to those paintings."
Arnatt's work appears to have been created in the 70s (I say this because of the quality of the image looks like much of 70s photography) and that is when his Self-burial series was primarily exhibited. However, he felt he didn't 'know how' to take pictures and wanted to learn. One of the primary reasons I chose Arnatt to reference was because of his wide-span of artistic range. I admire his ability to be an artist first and photographer second. His work upon investigation isn't necessarily light-hearted though it may appear that way at first.
Admittedly, I found his work to be visually appealing and that is why I first started researching him but soon discovered he was a master of concept. His work is "highly intelligent and [he] wrote these conceptual pieces that were witty and profound, but put it into pictures in a way the general public can understand" whether or not they spend a few moments with it or a few hours.
Personally, I feel torn. As an artist, I can related to Arnatt's statement: "I don't have the motives and never have had the motives that other people have for using the camera." But I think that side of me has only developed as I've been in art school. I use the camera as a tool in place of my hand because I fail miserably as an illustrator and I like the results. But as the businesswoman and journalist, I feel that my motives to use the camera are intentional: to communicate certain information accurately. I think for my senior portfolio, I have found a way to merge these two sides by providing a piece that is very research and interview based as well as makes a comment on our state of things (also applying locally instead of taking on an international level) but also includes my 'camera paintings.'
On a final note, I found so many good quotes from him that I wanted to include this one, about his - well probably 99% of artists - process: You start and idea which brings a result, something might happen or you might see something in it which seems to depart from something you originally meant and so on. Its the eternal fascination.
More of his work:
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