To keep my blog from being repetitive, I wanted to write my idea blog before my critique blog entry. Although I enjoyed working on my Origin series, I feel like I may've gone as far as I'd like with it. I've already written about my exploration of what surrealism was. The definition sparked something for me that'd I'd like to begin to focus on.
I am taking classes that I am interested in this year and even though its only been a week, I am finding myself being influenced by many of them. As far as my senior portfolio class, the classes I find are influencing me the most are abnormal psychology and history of the motion picture. In history of the motion picture, we watched Georges Méliès films, which I have seen and loved before, however this time it was different.
Last year in our filmmaking class, I aspired to make a film in the aesthetic I like, modeled after Fritz Lang's film Metropolis. It turned out to be the closest thing I've ever made that I can identify as my aesthetic, which I guess means one of the projects I'm most proud of.
Okay, I know this is a lot of background information but here is what I am trying to say: I want to explore my "unconscious" by building sets, obviously over the top and unreal that each show my personal struggle with my unconscious affecting my conscious mind. For example, hypochondria or "the medical student syndrome." I will be using make up and props to create creatures acting as these disorders. In addition, I will be shooting through one of my many homemade filters, I am just unsure as to which (my wooden or cardboard at this point). I toyed with the thought of using my 4X5 pinhole camera but there is no way in my budget that is possible.
From the library, I picked up a few books on various artists with aesthetics I like. One of the best books I got actually has a collection of artists and discusses "enhanced photography." I originally got it because one of my favorite photographers, Maggie Taylor was in it but I also gained a lot of insight as to how I plan on presenting my images which will most certainly NOT be images printed on paper in a frame.
Still from Man With the Rubber Head
Still from my film Buttercups and My Airship
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