Monday, September 14, 2009

Artist Entry: Andrea Galluzzo

Natural Habitat

Natural Habitat

Bodies Stories

Bodies Stories

Andrea Gulluzzo is a twenty-nine year old from Portland, Oregon. I discovered her work in Black & White Magazine where she was part of the 2009 Portfolio Contest issue (#68). She studied in Oregon and Florence, Italy. There is not a lot of information about the artist's methods, however her artist statement provided insight into the concepts behind her work. Once I read these statements, I was shocked how similar our feelings about humans interaction with nature are. Additionally, her aesthetic is pleasing because it appears handmade-that is, she is really interacting with her work. Her two main bodies of work include Body Stories and Natural Habitat.

Some of my favorite quotes from her artist statement are listed below:

From Bodies Stories
"Through the creation process, I have been able to look back at past experiences with new eyes: seeing not only fear, shame, and pain in each piece, but also hope, truth, beauty, and grace as well."

From Natural Habitat
"Through my photography I awaken people to the universal love and support which flows from the earth no matter where we are and what we are going through. We have this special connection to the earth because we are made of the earth. The minerals in the rocks and soil are in our bones. The air that surrounds us, we breathe into our lungs. Water flows in our blood. Literally, we are of the earth."

That is unbelievably similar to what I've said about my Origin series!

"The ultimate goal of my work is to show this relationship between human and earth in such a way that viewers open to a deeper more profound relationship with the natural world and see that the earth has the capability to give us exactly what we need during different phases of life. This can never be taken away or destroyed. We are of the earth, it is our birthright."


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