Monday, September 7, 2009

Artist Entry: The Parkeharrisons

Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison are artists who work together to create surrealist dipictions of humans interacting with their environment. Based out of Boston, the couple has been working on three major works over the past few years:
The Architects Brother, Gray Dawn andCounterpoint. In my opinion, visually their images are considered surreal because they are unlikely situations however their message is very real.

The Architect’s Brother, named in 2000 as one of “the Ten Best Photography Books of the Year” by the New York Times (DeCodorva), the couple portrays our environmentally shattering world in starkly poetic monochromatic photographs.

Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison do not only work strictly with the photographic image but combine other art-forms like painting and photomontage ( Before I began my series, I had no idea who this couple was, but once I found them I realized how similar our messages are and felt extremely connected to them. In my previous series, Origin, I had been working on showing how we [people] are connected to nature and how we need to 'get back to basics' for lack of a better phrase. What I most appreciate out of their series The Architects Brother is how an individual, usually unrecognizable, is interacting with nature and usually working to bring back its natural state. In previous posts, I have posted an image of Mr. Parkeharrison pulling a rug of carpet over an empty field. In this post, I am going to post more images so a better idea of their work can be seen (basically the sheer beauty of their message).

In their newer works, they are still incorporating nature just not in the same manner. The main focus of my entry is on The Architects Brother because of its relation and inspiration to my work.

They are my favorite artists (I apologize for the 'flash player' marks).


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