Sunday, November 29, 2009

Idea Blog (11-29-09): Cell Phone Towers acting as Nature

I know we are technically 'done' with blogging for this semester as of last Monday but since I'm still working and have been blogging for some time now, I decided I'd keep posting. I've been working on this idea which involves heavy construction with tiny objects lately. While researching images of what I am building, I found this which was just too ridiculous to not share and is kinda perfect for what I'm now working on (or am also working on, I guess).

A little background: Driving north for Thanksgiving, I started to notice how the number of trees slowly decreased, but only in certain areas. Then, there are those gaping holes between the forests surrounding the high ways where the telephone towers, electricity poles and who knows what else stand. They are beautiful, human made landscapes. I think because its so simple, so clean and so deserted that I find them so interesting. Well, I've always visually been drawn to them. So I've been wanting to construct them on my own and creating odd, surreal spaces with them. As you can probably gather, I am really, REALLY not feelin' the work I've been doing lately. I was forcing myself to do it but in the end, I have to do what's right for me instead of my grade. Plus, as I was writing yesterday (sometime I'll scan my idea/art dump notebook), my work can count as contemporary in any way that I want it to, even if that only means it contemporary because I am a person of modern day making the work. Plus, magazines have been highlighting as of late alternative processing and its growing popularity! (I lucked out on that one).

Anyway, so researching, I found these. Some places actually design their cell phone towers to mimic nature. Here are some examples:

I'm going to see if we have any located near us but I think that documenting them would be boring, much like the work I've been making lately. And we don't want that.

After more research: Looks like the majority of the cell towers as trees exist in California however there is one in Mount Vernon Virginia. Also, sometimes the towers or generators disguise themselves as other objects like boulders, mushrooms, water towers and CHURCH CROSSES! (I included a picture below) Weird. There official names are: naturalistic wireless site concealments.


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