A Scottish adventurer, inventor, and photographer named Neville Colmore claimed to have constructed a device capable of "...parting the veil of Faery...". The device, which he called the "Spectobarathrum", produced beautiful photo graphic plates he called "fatagravures", through a now lost process. The original "Spectobarathrum" along with all of the images he claimed to have made were believed destroyed in a fire. - source: Parting the Veil of FaeryThe history surrounding these images alone is astonishing and the fact that this inventor, photographer was so secretive about his imagery surviving a fire is intriguing as well. Why was he so interested in keeping these images hidden?
While lately, I have been primarily focusing on early 1900 films, this photographer caught my interest because he invented a new photographic method and shares my interest in playing around with traditional 'photography.'
This is a self portrait of Colmore
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