Whenever I drive to school, I park about half way between my house and class. Along the way, I always see this little environment. It used to be a metal pipe that led up to who knows what...but now there are little sprouts of grass coming out. It makes me smile for some reason...I think because my project is portraying the vulnerability of nature to man but that little ecosystem shows nature "stickin' it to the man."
I need to photograph...I've been so busy with extracurriculars and failing geology (HOW IRONIC!) that I've started to loose focus on photo. But on the bright-side, my magazine won 2nd place for Best Student Magazine out of 5 states!
Google image for "little ecosystems" which is almost EXACTLY what I was talking about.
Also, "Plants are taking over" -- a Tumblr blog that I follow.
(artist Pete Dungey)
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