Monday, November 9, 2009

Artist Entry: Sarah Moon

Sarah Moon's photography has such a wide range of subjects and styles. I came across her work in the Photo Book which led me to believe that I could and should jazz up my images if they are going to be something I care about. Looking at her imagery, you get lost in the aesthetic quality but only second to the bizarre subject matter. You get a sense of loss or loneliness. Also, her images are heavily staged and you can distinctly tell its fabricated reality. You can spend time with her imagery and read more and more into it. With her piece depicting the tea party where the dignified man is a cat, you begin to read more and more into it. Same with the image of the pony walking onto the white sheet. Her fabricated realities often use large blocks of fabric color, which I am thinking about incorporating into my pieces.

Sarah Moon was born with the name Marielle Hadengue in England around the late 1930s. She said, "To be more creative is to get closer to childhood." (Source)


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