Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Idea Blog (10-21-09): Silent Movie Era/New project definition

Admittedly, I haven't been producing nearly as much work as I've realized when we had to turn in our portfolio's so far. I think that I am getting too wrapped up in the research so I am going to start discovering through photographing from now on and balancing my research. Plus, even though I knew it, we are required to be shooting 150 images a week and I haven't been doing that (minus all the pictures of my cat). So today, I wanted to kind of scrap everything. My slate is completely clean. I am forgetting about all the, well, crap that I've produced so far this semester and am starting over.
I am picking a theme: Fear (I'm a student, what do you expect?). Instead of trying to illustrate the 12+ mental dysfunctions I had planned out way back, this is the only one I want to work in. I had thought about everything I was inspired by, what art I've been researching, what artists I've been following, what movies I'd been watching, what classes I am taking and finally WHO I AM and discovered, thats my theme. I've been sketching different ideas out in my head of what exactly I want to photograph this weekend (I will be in Manassas and I know the lay of the land better) and all through next week.
I wanted to sort of do this whole new world exploration, which I still think might be neat (and perhaps that IS how I will show fear) but I wanted to have a young couple doing the exploring sort of a retake on "A Trip to the Moon." What would that couple think now if they were to reexplore Earth as it is today? I wanted to dress the couple in traditional clothing because:
a) it enforces my theme that this couple was the same as before and if someone hadn't seen the film they would know they aren't people from this era; but I need to make sure I am AVOIDING the Parkeharrison look.
b) modern day clothes are well, stupid looking in the romantic, surrealist photographic style I have.
I haven't thought about presentation yet because I focused too much on that before. But, I have thought about the alternative way in which I plan on shooting this and that is, my viewfinder! If you are unfamiliar with my viewfinder work from before, please look below. It provides an erie feel to everything and does everything I'd want to do without the manipulation in photoshop (shout out to Jeff!).
I believe that my end result will be an illustration of fear in regards to loosing our natural, green world and we will end up just being a sea of skyscrapers (ironic I plan on moving to New York, eh?). So, I think I finally found a way to include MYSELF in this project and work in a concept! Finally.
In conclusion, I was researching the silent film era and my class tonight also discussed it. One thing that the teacher said during the lecture was: "When the talkies came about (talkies being films with sound) everyone was worried that it was the end. Silent filmmaking had excelled in the art of communicating everything visually and sound was removing that aspect." I have to make sure that my images, can stand alone and be understood to a variety of cultures and people who won't hear me blab on about all this. I need to learn to excel visually so I do not have to rely on my words.
viewfinder project
viewfinder project
ghetto representation of my scanner had died.


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