Thursday, September 3, 2009

Idea Blog (Wednesday Sept 2): Surrealism

Surrealism is a cultural movement and artistic style that was founded in 1924 by André Breton. Surrealism style uses visual imagery from the subconscious mind to create art without the intention of logical comprehensibility.

To generate ideas for my senior portfolio, I think its best to before I jump into anything else, begin to describe and identify the genre of art that I love to look at, think about and discuss. Which is best defined as above.

Surrealists concepts were not all the same but were primarily influenced [by] the psychoanalytical work of Freud and Jung (

The psychoanalytical theory developed by Freud is:
1. A method of mind investigation. And especially of the unconscious mind;
2. A therapy of neurosis inspired from the above method;
3. A new stand alone discipline who is based on the knowledge acquired from applying the investigation method and clinical experiences.

I'd like to continue to work with the psychology of people and the biological connection we have to nature. Approaching it this way is forcing me to open my mind to a new way of viewing my work and to discover a reason as to why I am so stuck on this concept, love and connection with nature. How do I create work based off of my unconscious mind? Its pretty much impossible to become conscious of my unconscious so I can only guess, as I assume these artists have. As I continue to research them, I will discover how they have investigated their mind.

Perhaps a little soon, I am starting to think about the presentation and I am really fond of alternative ways of printing. I do not plan on spending money for other people to make my images. I'd like to either use gel or liquid emulsion to put my images on something. I haven't figured it out yet but would like to continue to work on wood.

Two of dozens of artists I am looking to:
Robert Smith

ParkeHarrisons (my tied for first favorite photo couple!)


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