Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So some pretty exciting things have happened lately!

1. The former creative director for Real Simple magazine wrote me an email back! Huge news. He is a monumentally important figure in the publication industry. He said my work was "cool" and that I had "cool approaches" which blew my mind! So needless to say, I danced around my house for a good 30 minutes from excitement.

2. I am photographing the governor and legislation of Virginia tomorrow at a closed party event! He then offered to write me any recommendations that I will need in the future or anything for my help! I will not be posting those images however for legal purposes.

So in May when I go to New York to visit my sister for my 21st birthday, I may also be getting portfolio reviews from some of the best in the publication industry!

Wish me luck!

"Clue" photo shoot tomorrow. Will post pictures tomorrow night.


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