Sunday, March 7, 2010

Artist Entry: Madelon Galland

My artist this week was very exciting to find. Madelon Galland is a multi-media artist in living and working in New York City who shared my curiosity about the neglected, abandoned homes belonging to trees removed in highly urban areas. However, her idea was to upholster them instead of photograph them. The Stump Project is an ongoing project where she quite literally goes around and upholster's New York City's abandoned tree stumps. This project then branches out into various other directions like how in some, she seems to be clothing trees to provide cushion to the strains that certain manmade fixtures apply. The numerous applications all have similar messages though.

Her presentations vary as well. In some, she brings the actual stump into the gallery space. In others, the record is held through a photograph and brought into the gallery. I am playing around with the two same ideas right now, but in her work am more drawn to the actual photos of the installation. In regard to her work, she says:
"To upholster the sidewalk stump was a way to honor that which had been diminished, and bring it back into relationship with the neighborhood. I am interested by what happens in a public space when I demonstrate care for something which is not “mine."

"And it addresses the displaced and reductive state of our relationship to nature in an urban environment, or any so called civilized society. Wherever upholstering a tree stump is sited, it speaks to our relationship with what has been cast off and it is an activation and sublimation of dejected forms and neglected spaces." (Source).


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