Monday, February 8, 2010

Artist Entry: Barry Underwood

Barry Underwood is a photographer who creates illusions and draws attention to the natural beauty of landscape. His light work instillations are created onsite around and within the natural environments. In his statement, he expresses his goal and approach in creating his imagery:
I use these as the means to explore issues of illusion, imaginations, narrative and the potential of the ordinary. I approach my photographic work with a theatrical sensibility that permits me to intermingle issues that arise from contemporary painting, cinema and land art. The resulting images are surreal imaes, given that they result from the cross-pollination between traditional photography and theater. Light and color are used as subjective tools, affecting the perception of space while defamiliarizing common objects. IN this work, therefore, illusionistic space collapses while the lights that I install appear as intrusions and interventions as they contrast with the inherent atmospheric properties of natural light. This combination renters the forms in the landscape abstract. (Source)
I feel a connection to his work because he is accentuating the natural beauty and creating alternate realities within them. The images that he creates somehow manage to trick the viewer, in the sense that, when viewing his work, I think that perhaps these events have actually occurred or do occur in nature but that they are not seen by us, only the plants and animals within the environment. In my previous work, I used light to accentuate "pain" in the environment and its a direction that I intend to continue with, however this idea of using light (especially colorful light) is a new avenue I find interesting. In a review of Underwood's work, Gizmodo said "The glowing elements that should jar our eyes as electrical protrusions actually serve to capture nature with a new thesis: as a planet intrinsically altered by our footprint, though, not in that we've destroyed our Earth and things are too late kind of way." (Source)


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